On April 23, 2021 we certified a new class of consultants today despite the merry-go-round of changing exam questions! It seems each year they change the questions around and make it challenging to pass the exam with an 80% score, but this team did it :)
So lets start some discussions on how we can use these skills to help our community, small and medium business and non-profits to be CyberSAFE.
My immediate suggestion is "Don't try to eat the whole elephant at once". Take a bite at a time. Get good at something that has resonance for you. Here are some tips you can start with right away:
1) Get familiar with Password managers. Download one from the App Store or Google Play store. play around with it and see what you can store in there.
2) Share what you've learned with one other person.
3) Compare the password manager you are testing with another app and see which one has the best features. Which one do you like? 1Password? Dashlane? LastPass? KeeperSecurity?
Which one would you recommend to a Millenial? A Senior? A Business person?
4) Perfect practice makes perfect the promise! You will learn most by helping others. Put your skills to use and watch how quickly your confidence increases. You are on your way to CyberSAFE Success!